Summer Seminars: Mathletes​ and MSM
The Mathletes and Middle-School-Mathletes programs are challenging, particularly for first year students. These seminars are designed to be an 'on-ramp' that exposes students to many of the key ideas and strategies in each program. Another goal of the seminar is to enable mathletes to work with existing friends and find new friends who are into math. Community is important - now more than ever.
Students will tackle introductory level assignments across a wide range of topics. Each class will combine some lecture and/or priority view, with a lot of time for problem solving. There will be ample *optional* homework for those who are interested. This will provide a very low key way to see what’s on the horizon. Lots of good questions!
Summer Seminar: Mathletes​
2022: Mathletes Small Summer Seminar
Seminar size: 2-4 students
Seminar meetings: Mondays and Thursdays, 4:30-5:45 PM PST
Price per week: $90 (2 seminars @ $45/seminar )
Registrations on weekly basis (2 seminars per week)
Register here
Summer Seminar: MSM​
2022: MSM Small Summer Seminar
Seminar size: 2-4 students
Seminar meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:15-4:30 PM PST
Tuition per seminar $50
Registrations on weekly basis (2 seminars per week)
Register here